GLOBALink | Chinese researchers develop hybrid aerial underwater vehicle

Source: Xinhua| Published: 2021-04-11

Have you ever seen a vehicle that flies into the air and then dives underwater? Take a look at NEZHA III, a hybrid unmanned aerial underwater vehicle developed by Chinese researchers.

A hybrid unmanned aerial underwater vehicle NEZHA III has been developed by researchers from School of Oceanography, Shanghai Jiaotong University. Many of its technologies have won national invention patents and the research paper has been published in the Ocean Engineering journal.

NEZHA III has passed a test in China's Qiandao Lake with good performance both in air and underwater. The vehicle has a flight payload of 5 kg and dives to as deep as 50 meters.

NEZHA III is expected to be applied in maritime rescue, marine science and engineering in the future. It will be used for simultaneous air, water surface and underwater exploration tasks in specific sea areas. It will improve China's marine monitoring capacity.