Summertime red bayberries find favor with Brazilians in East China's Ningbo

Source: Ningbo Evening News| Published: 2021-07-08

Yangmei is a little red Chinese fruit that claims a plethora of monikers, including Myrica rubra, Chinese bayberry, red bayberry, and yumberry. Annually, it is ready for market in early June. With its sweet-tart flavor and vibrant, juicy color, this summertime super fruit from Ningbo in East China's Zhejiang Province is a symbol of homesickness, and is a meaningful gift for friends and family members.

On June 22, just 2 days after the summer solstice, Claudia Castro – head of the preschool at Georgia School Ningbo – joined reporters on a yangmei exploration trip to Yuyao, a county-level city in Ningbo, noted as the hometown of yangmei. Her husband, Roberto Fernandes Alves, and their daughter Barbara also joined the food-hunting tour.